OpenBMC host console infrastructure

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  1. b7dddbc obmc-console-ssh@.service: add ECDSA and ED25519 keys by Andrew Geissler · 6 weeks ago master
  2. 7f2bfb9 config: add ringbuffer-size in config file options by Medicine Yeh · 8 weeks ago
  3. d6e8b64 config: rename parse_logsize to be more generic by Medicine Yeh · 7 weeks ago
  4. bd4af90 80-obmc-console-uart.rules: fix udevadm warnings by Andrew Geissler · 3 months ago
  5. 66ddf71 OWNERS: Update Andrew's preferred email by Andrew Jeffery · 5 months ago

To Build

To build this project, run the following shell commands:

meson setup build
meson compile -C build

To test:

meson test -C build

To Run Server

Running the server requires a serial port (e.g. /dev/ttyS0):

touch obmc-console.conf
./obmc-console-server --config obmc-console.conf ttyS0

To Connect Client

To connect to the server, simply run the client:


To disconnect the client, use the standard ~. combination.

Underlying design

This shows how the host UART connection is abstracted within the BMC as a Unix domain socket.

               |                                                                                             |
               |       obmc-console-client       unix domain socket         obmc-console-server              |
               |                                                                                             |
               |     +----------------------+                           +------------------------+           |
               |     |   client.2200.conf   |  +---------------------+  | server.ttyVUART0.conf  |           |
           +---+--+  +----------------------+  |                     |  +------------------------+  +--------+-------+
Network    | 2200 +-->                      +->+ @obmc-console.host0 +<-+                        <--+ /dev/ttyVUART0 |   UARTs
           +---+--+  | console-id = "host0" |  |                     |  |  console-id = "host0"  |  +--------+-------+
               |     |                      |  +---------------------+  |                        |           |
               |     +----------------------+                           +------------------------+           |
               |                                                                                             |
               |                                                                                             |
               |                                                                                             |

This supports multiple independent consoles. The console-id is a unique portion for the unix domain socket created by the obmc-console-server instance. The server needs to know this because it needs to know what to name the pipe; the client needs to know it as it needs to form the abstract socket name to which to connect.