pvm_sys_dump_active: ensure no failure

Setting this BIOS attribute is a "best try" type function. If it fails,
do not cause this service to fail. The BIOS is used to provide a warning
to the user but is not a hard requirement.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>
Change-Id: I43a12c2bb54dd6093195bec5bdfd760997981a94
1 file changed
tree: 8834881962e4aeb6965d91dd49d9fc4ac633b667
  1. extensions/
  2. procedures/
  3. service_files/
  4. test/
  5. .clang-format
  6. .gitignore
  7. .shellcheck
  8. cfam_access.cpp
  9. cfam_access.hpp
  10. ext_interface.cpp
  11. ext_interface.hpp
  12. filedescriptor.cpp
  13. filedescriptor.hpp
  16. meson.build
  17. meson_options.txt
  18. nmi_interface.cpp
  19. nmi_interface.hpp
  20. nmi_main.cpp
  21. OWNERS
  22. p10_cfam.hpp
  23. p9_cfam.hpp
  24. proc_control.cpp
  25. README.md
  26. registration.hpp
  27. targeting.cpp
  28. targeting.hpp
  29. temporary_file.cpp
  30. temporary_file.hpp
  31. util.cpp
  32. util.hpp

Contains procedures that interact with the OpenPower nest chipset.

To Build

To build this package, do the following steps:

    1. meson builddir
    2. ninja -C builddir

To build with phal feature:
    1. meson builddir -Dphal=enabled -Dopenfsi=enabled
    2. ninja -C builddir

To clean the repository run `ninja -C builddir/ clean`.