clean up using directives and type alias

Most C++ style guides try to avoid using directives in headers and also
suggest using type alias carefully, according to which, this change does
the following clean up:

1. used Enum class to represent Certificate type
2. removed all using directives: e.g. the phosphor logging namespace;
instead, this change uses using declarations
3. removed unnecessary type alias; in existing codes, we only support
strings as types of UnitToRestart, InstallPath, UploadPath, etc; this
change uses std::string directly
4. moved all alias outside any class scope into source files or an
internal namespace
5. renamed types, constants, classes as per OpenBMC style guide
6. fixed all compilation errors and some warnings after the refactoring;
built with both Clang & GCC


Unit tests

Signed-off-by: Nan Zhou <>
Change-Id: I58e026934a4e969f4d8877801c8f3c671990468a
14 files changed
tree: a09b5e5fba35da5ba6ed521524fdd4546926a310
  1. bmc-vmi-ca/
  2. dist/
  3. subprojects/
  4. test/
  5. .clang-format
  6. .gitignore
  7. .lcovrc
  8. argument.cpp
  9. argument.hpp
  10. certificate.cpp
  11. certificate.hpp
  12. certs_manager.cpp
  13. certs_manager.hpp
  15. csr.cpp
  16. csr.hpp
  18. mainapp.cpp
  21. meson_options.txt
  22. OWNERS
  24. watch.cpp
  25. watch.hpp


Certificate management allows to replace the existing certificate and private key file with another (possibly CA signed) Certificate key file. Certificate management allows the user to install both the server and client certificates.

To Build

This project can be built with meson. The typical meson workflow is: meson builddir && ninja -C builddir.

To Run

Multiple instances of phosphor-certificate-manager are usually run on the bmc to support management of different types of certificates.

Usage: ./phosphor-certificate-manager [options]
    --help            Print this menu
    --type            certificate type
                      Valid types: client,server,authority
    --endpoint        d-bus endpoint
    --path            certificate file path
    --unit=<name>     Optional systemd unit need to reload

Https certificate management

Purpose: Server https certificate

./phosphor-certificate-manager --type=server --endpoint=https \
    --path=/etc/ssl/certs/https/server.pem --unit=bmcweb.service

CA certificate management

Purpose: Client certificate validation

./phosphor-certificate-manager --type=authority --endpoint=ldap \
    --path=/etc/ssl/certs/authority --unit=bmcweb.service

LDAP client certificate management

Purpose: LDAP client certificate validation

./phosphor-certificate-manager --type=client --endpoint=ldap \

D-Bus Interface

phosphor-certificate-manager is an implementation of the D-Bus interface defined in this document.

D-Bus service name is constructed by "xyz.openbmc_project.Certs.Manager.{Type}.{Endpoint}" and D-Bus object path is constructed by "/xyz/openbmc_project/certs/{type}/{endpoint}".

Take https certificate management as an example.

./phosphor-certificate-manager --type=server --endpoint=https \
    --path=/etc/ssl/certs/https/server.pem --unit=bmcweb.service

D-Bus service name is "xyz.openbmc_project.Certs.Manager.Server.Https" and D-Bus object path is "/xyz/openbmc_project/certs/server/https".

Usage in openbmc/bmcweb

OpenBMC bmcweb exposes various REST APIs for certificate management on the BMC, which leverages functionalities of phosphor-certificate-manager via D-Bus.