tests: fix warnings

Fix a couple of warnings:


so we can use meson's warning_level=3 and -Werror without build

Change-Id: I1c3930226b34d6beeb7c5fb5ce135c722d3e8758
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>
2 files changed
tree: f82b9a7b4996ca138da7ae773a9557c43ef997c6
  1. msl/
  2. test/
  3. tools/
  4. .clang-format
  5. .gitignore
  6. .lcovrc
  7. average.cpp
  8. average.hpp
  9. bootstrap.sh
  10. configure.ac
  11. env.cpp
  12. env.hpp
  13. fan_pwm.cpp
  14. fan_pwm.hpp
  15. fan_speed.cpp
  16. fan_speed.hpp
  17. gpio_handle.cpp
  18. gpio_handle.hpp
  19. hwmon.cpp
  20. hwmon.hpp
  21. hwmonio.cpp
  22. hwmonio.hpp
  23. interface.hpp
  25. mainloop.cpp
  26. mainloop.hpp
  28. Makefile.am
  29. readd.cpp
  30. README.iio.md
  31. README.md
  32. sensor.cpp
  33. sensor.hpp
  34. sensorset.cpp
  35. sensorset.hpp
  36. sysfs.cpp
  37. sysfs.hpp
  38. targets.hpp
  39. thresholds.hpp
  40. types.hpp
  41. util.hpp

Exposes generic hwmon entries as DBus objects. More information can be found at Sensor Architecture

To Build

To build this package, do the following steps:

    1. ./bootstrap.sh
    2. ./configure ${CONFIGURE_FLAGS}
    3. make

To clean the repository run `./bootstrap.sh clean`.

D-Bus bus names

To enable the use of Linux features like cgroups prioritization and
udev/systemd control, one instance of phosphor-hwmon is intended to
be run per hwmon sysfs class instance.

This requires an algorithm for selecting a stable, well-known D-Bus busname.

The algorithm is <PREFIX>-<ID>.Hwmon<N> where PREFIX is an autoconf
configurable prefix (BUSNAME_PREFIX, xyz.openbmc_project by default),
ID is a std::hash of the /sys/devices path backing the hwmon class
instance, and N is the implemented phosphor-hwmon D-Bus API version.