Modify access rules
diff --git a/project.config b/project.config
index dab9e62..1077efe 100644
--- a/project.config
+++ b/project.config
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
     priority = batch group Non-Interactive Users
     streamEvents = group Non-Interactive Users
     streamEvents = group github/openbmc/Everyone
+	createProject = group Administrators
 [access "refs/*"]
     read = group Administrators
     read = group Anonymous Users
@@ -72,19 +73,19 @@
     copyAllScoresIfNoCodeChange = true
     value = -2 This shall not be merged
     value = -1 I would prefer this is not merged as is
-    value =  0 No score
+    value = 0 No score
     value = +1 Looks good to me, but someone else must approve
     value = +2 Looks good to me, approved
 [label "Verified"]
     function = MaxWithBlock
     value = -1 Fails
-    value =  0 No score
+    value = 0 No score
     value = +1 Verified
     copyAllScoresIfNoCodeChange = true
     defaultValue = 0
 [label "Ok-To-Test"]
     function = NoOp
-    value =  0 No score
+    value = 0 No score
     value = +1 Ok to Test
     copyAllScoresIfNoCodeChange = true
     defaultValue = 0