blob: 79c0e18377c53b10b118c9e22d5ae500fb24aed0 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "bej_common.h"
#include "bej_encoder_core.h"
#include <vector>
namespace libbej
* @brief Callback for stackEmpty. Check if stack is empty
* @param[in] dataPtr - pointer to a valid stack of type std::vector<void*>
* @return true if the stack is empty.
bool stackEmpty(void* dataPtr);
* @brief Callback for stackPeek. Read the first element from the stack
* @param[in] dataPtr - pointer to a valid stack of type std::vector<void*>
* @return the value of first element in the stack
void* stackPeek(void* dataPtr);
* @brief Callback for stackPop. Remove the top element from the stack.
* @param[in] dataPtr - pointer to a valid stack of type std::vector<void*>
* @return the value of first element in the stack
void* stackPop(void* dataPtr);
* @brief Callback for stackPush. Push a new element to the top of the stack.
* @param[in] property - property to push.
* @param[in] dataPtr - pointer to a valid stack of type std::vector<void*>
* @return 0 if successful.
int stackPush(void* property, void* dataPtr);
* @brief Callback to get the encoded json payload.
* @param[in] data - pointer to a valid stack of type std::vector<void*>
* @param[in] dataSize - size of the stack
* @param[in] handlerContext - Buffer to store the payload
* @return 0 if successful.
int getBejEncodedBuffer(const void* data, size_t dataSize,
void* handlerContext);
* @brief Class for encoding JSON input.
class BejEncoderJson
* @brief Encode the resource data.
* @param[in] dictionaries - dictionaries needed for encoding.
* @param[in] schemaClass - BEJ schema class.
* @param[in] root - pointer to a RedfishPropertyParent struct.
* @return 0 if successful.
int encode(const struct BejDictionaries* dictionaries,
enum BejSchemaClass schemaClass,
struct RedfishPropertyParent* root);
* @brief Get the JSON encoded payload.
* @return std::vector<uint8_t> containing encoded JSON bytes. If the
* encoding was unsuccessful, the vector will be empty. Note that the
* vector resource will be moved to the requester API
std::vector<uint8_t> getOutput();
std::vector<uint8_t> encodedPayload;
std::vector<void*> stack;
} // namespace libbej