blob: 1f1cb9e88c66b0293a577508ba539a7e9677311c [file] [log] [blame]
#include "impl.hpp"
#include "vpdecc/vpdecc.h"
#include "const.hpp"
#include "defines.hpp"
#include "ibm_vpd_utils.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "vpd_exceptions.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <exception>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace openpower
namespace vpd
namespace parser
using namespace openpower::vpd::constants;
using namespace openpower::vpd::exceptions;
static const std::unordered_map<std::string, Record> supportedRecords = {
{"VINI", Record::VINI}, {"OPFR", Record::OPFR}, {"OSYS", Record::OSYS}};
static const std::unordered_map<std::string, internal::KeywordInfo>
supportedKeywords = {
{"DR", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::DR, keyword::Encoding::ASCII)},
{"PN", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::PN, keyword::Encoding::ASCII)},
{"SN", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::SN, keyword::Encoding::ASCII)},
{"CC", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::CC, keyword::Encoding::ASCII)},
{"HW", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::HW, keyword::Encoding::RAW)},
{"B1", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::B1, keyword::Encoding::B1)},
{"VN", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::VN, keyword::Encoding::ASCII)},
{"MB", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::MB, keyword::Encoding::MB)},
{"MM", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::MM, keyword::Encoding::ASCII)},
{"UD", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::UD, keyword::Encoding::UD)},
{"VP", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::VP, keyword::Encoding::ASCII)},
{"VS", std::make_tuple(record::Keyword::VS, keyword::Encoding::ASCII)},
constexpr auto toHex(size_t c)
constexpr auto map = "0123456789abcdef";
return map[c];
} // namespace
/*readUInt16LE: Read 2 bytes LE data*/
static LE2ByteData readUInt16LE(Binary::const_iterator iterator)
LE2ByteData lowByte = *iterator;
LE2ByteData highByte = *(iterator + 1);
lowByte |= (highByte << 8);
return lowByte;
RecordOffset Impl::getVtocOffset() const
auto vpdPtr = vpd.cbegin();
std::advance(vpdPtr, offsets::VTOC_PTR);
// Get VTOC Offset
auto vtocOffset = readUInt16LE(vpdPtr);
return vtocOffset;
int Impl::vhdrEccCheck()
int rc = eccStatus::SUCCESS;
auto vpdPtr = vpd.cbegin();
auto l_status =
if (vpdFileStream.is_open())
vpdFileStream.seekp(vpdStartOffset + offsets::VHDR_RECORD,
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&vpd[offsets::VHDR_RECORD]),
std::cerr << "File not open";
rc = eccStatus::FAILED;
catch (const std::fstream::failure& e)
std::cout << "Error while operating on file with exception:"
<< e.what();
rc = eccStatus::FAILED;
else if (l_status != VPD_ECC_OK)
rc = eccStatus::FAILED;
return rc;
int Impl::vtocEccCheck()
int rc = eccStatus::SUCCESS;
// Use another pointer to get ECC information from VHDR,
// actual pointer is pointing to VTOC data
auto vpdPtr = vpd.cbegin();
// Get VTOC Offset
auto vtocOffset = getVtocOffset();
// Get the VTOC Length
std::advance(vpdPtr, offsets::VTOC_PTR + sizeof(RecordOffset));
auto vtocLength = readUInt16LE(vpdPtr);
// Get the ECC Offset
std::advance(vpdPtr, sizeof(RecordLength));
auto vtocECCOffset = readUInt16LE(vpdPtr);
// Get the ECC length
std::advance(vpdPtr, sizeof(ECCOffset));
auto vtocECCLength = readUInt16LE(vpdPtr);
// Reset pointer to start of the vpd,
// so that Offset will point to correct address
vpdPtr = vpd.cbegin();
auto l_status = vpdecc_check_data(
const_cast<uint8_t*>(&vpdPtr[vtocOffset]), vtocLength,
const_cast<uint8_t*>(&vpdPtr[vtocECCOffset]), vtocECCLength);
if (vpdFileStream.is_open())
vpdFileStream.seekp(vpdStartOffset + vtocOffset, std::ios::beg);
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&vpdPtr[vtocOffset]),
std::cerr << "File not open";
rc = eccStatus::FAILED;
catch (const std::fstream::failure& e)
std::cout << "Error while operating on file with exception "
<< e.what();
rc = eccStatus::FAILED;
else if (l_status != VPD_ECC_OK)
rc = eccStatus::FAILED;
return rc;
int Impl::recordEccCheck(Binary::const_iterator iterator)
int rc = eccStatus::SUCCESS;
auto recordOffset = readUInt16LE(iterator);
std::advance(iterator, sizeof(RecordOffset));
auto recordLength = readUInt16LE(iterator);
std::advance(iterator, sizeof(RecordLength));
auto eccOffset = readUInt16LE(iterator);
std::advance(iterator, sizeof(ECCOffset));
auto eccLength = readUInt16LE(iterator);
if (eccLength == 0 || eccOffset == 0)
"Could not find ECC's offset or Length for Record:"));
if (recordOffset == 0 || recordLength == 0)
throw(VpdDataException("Could not find VPD record offset or VPD record "
"length for Record:"));
auto vpdPtr = vpd.cbegin();
auto l_status = vpdecc_check_data(
const_cast<uint8_t*>(&vpdPtr[recordOffset]), recordLength,
const_cast<uint8_t*>(&vpdPtr[eccOffset]), eccLength);
if (vpdFileStream.is_open())
vpdFileStream.seekp(vpdStartOffset + recordOffset,
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&vpdPtr[recordOffset]),
std::cerr << "File not open";
rc = eccStatus::FAILED;
catch (const std::fstream::failure& e)
std::cout << "Error while operating on file with exception "
<< e.what();
rc = eccStatus::FAILED;
else if (l_status != VPD_ECC_OK)
rc = eccStatus::FAILED;
return rc;
void Impl::checkHeader()
if (vpd.empty() || (lengths::RECORD_MIN > vpd.size()))
throw(VpdDataException("Malformed VPD"));
auto iterator = vpd.cbegin();
std::advance(iterator, offsets::VHDR);
auto stop = std::next(iterator, lengths::RECORD_NAME);
std::string record(iterator, stop);
if ("VHDR" != record)
throw(VpdDataException("VHDR record not found"));
// Check ECC
int rc = eccStatus::FAILED;
rc = vhdrEccCheck();
if (rc != eccStatus::SUCCESS)
throw(VpdEccException("ERROR: VHDR ECC check Failed"));
std::size_t Impl::readTOC(Binary::const_iterator& iterator)
// The offset to VTOC could be 1 or 2 bytes long
RecordOffset vtocOffset = getVtocOffset();
// Got the offset to VTOC, skip past record header and keyword header
// to get to the record name.
std::advance(iterator, vtocOffset + sizeof(RecordId) + sizeof(RecordSize) +
// Skip past the RT keyword, which contains
// the record name.
lengths::KW_NAME + sizeof(KwSize));
auto stop = std::next(iterator, lengths::RECORD_NAME);
std::string record(iterator, stop);
if ("VTOC" != record)
throw(VpdDataException("VTOC record not found"));
// Check ECC
int rc = eccStatus::FAILED;
rc = vtocEccCheck();
if (rc != eccStatus::SUCCESS)
throw(VpdEccException("ERROR: VTOC ECC check Failed"));
// VTOC record name is good, now read through the TOC, stored in the PT
// PT keyword; vpdBuffer is now pointing at the first character of the
// name 'VTOC', jump to PT data.
// Skip past record name and KW name, 'PT'
std::advance(iterator, lengths::RECORD_NAME + lengths::KW_NAME);
// Note size of PT
std::size_t ptLen = *iterator;
// Skip past PT size
std::advance(iterator, sizeof(KwSize));
// length of PT keyword
return ptLen;
internal::OffsetList Impl::readPT(Binary::const_iterator iterator,
std::size_t ptLength)
internal::OffsetList offsets{};
auto end = iterator;
std::advance(end, ptLength);
// Look at each entry in the PT keyword. In the entry,
// we care only about the record offset information.
while (iterator < end)
auto iteratorToRecName = iterator;
// Skip record name and record type
std::advance(iterator, lengths::RECORD_NAME + sizeof(RecordType));
// Get record offset
auto offset = readUInt16LE(iterator);
std::string recordName(iteratorToRecName,
iteratorToRecName + lengths::RECORD_NAME);
// Verify the ECC for this Record
int rc = recordEccCheck(iterator);
if (rc != eccStatus::SUCCESS)
std::string errorMsg = std::string(
"ERROR: ECC check did not pass for the "
catch (const VpdEccException& ex)
inventory::PelAdditionalData additionalData{};
std::string{ex.what()} + recordName);
additionalData.emplace("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH", inventoryPath);
createPEL(additionalData, PelSeverity::WARNING,
errIntfForEccCheckFail, nullptr);
catch (const VpdDataException& ex)
inventory::PelAdditionalData additionalData{};
std::string{ex.what()} + recordName);
additionalData.emplace("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH", inventoryPath);
createPEL(additionalData, PelSeverity::WARNING,
errIntfForInvalidVPD, nullptr);
// Jump record size, record length, ECC offset and ECC length
std::advance(iterator, sizeof(RecordOffset) + sizeof(RecordLength) +
sizeof(ECCOffset) + sizeof(ECCLength));
return offsets;
void Impl::processRecord(std::size_t recordOffset)
// Jump to record name
auto nameOffset = recordOffset + sizeof(RecordId) + sizeof(RecordSize) +
// Skip past the RT keyword, which contains
// the record name.
lengths::KW_NAME + sizeof(KwSize);
// Get record name
auto iterator = vpd.cbegin();
std::advance(iterator, nameOffset);
std::string name(iterator, iterator + lengths::RECORD_NAME);
#ifndef IPZ_PARSER
if (supportedRecords.end() != supportedRecords.find(name))
// If it's a record we're interested in, proceed to find
// contained keywords and their values.
std::advance(iterator, lengths::RECORD_NAME);
// Reverse back to RT Kw, in ipz vpd, to Read RT KW & value
std::advance(iterator, -(lengths::KW_NAME + sizeof(KwSize) +
auto kwMap = readKeywords(iterator);
// Add entry for this record (and contained keyword:value pairs)
// to the parsed vpd output.
out.emplace(std::move(name), std::move(kwMap));
#ifndef IPZ_PARSER
std::string Impl::readKwData(const internal::KeywordInfo& keyword,
std::size_t dataLength,
Binary::const_iterator iterator)
using namespace openpower::vpd;
switch (std::get<keyword::Encoding>(keyword))
case keyword::Encoding::ASCII:
auto stop = std::next(iterator, dataLength);
return std::string(iterator, stop);
case keyword::Encoding::RAW:
auto stop = std::next(iterator, dataLength);
std::string data(iterator, stop);
std::string result{};
std::for_each(data.cbegin(), data.cend(), [&result](size_t c) {
result += toHex(c >> 4);
result += toHex(c & 0x0F);
return result;
case keyword::Encoding::MB:
// MB is BuildDate, represent as
// 1997-01-01-08:30:00
// <year>-<month>-<day>-<hour>:<min>:<sec>
auto stop = std::next(iterator, MB_LEN_BYTES);
std::string data(iterator, stop);
std::string result;
auto strItr = data.cbegin();
std::advance(strItr, 1);
std::for_each(strItr, data.cend(), [&result](size_t c) {
result += toHex(c >> 4);
result += toHex(c & 0x0F);
result.insert(MB_YEAR_END, 1, '-');
result.insert(MB_MONTH_END, 1, '-');
result.insert(MB_DAY_END, 1, '-');
result.insert(MB_HOUR_END, 1, ':');
result.insert(MB_MIN_END, 1, ':');
return result;
case keyword::Encoding::B1:
// B1 is MAC address, represent as AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
auto stop = std::next(iterator, MAC_ADDRESS_LEN_BYTES);
std::string data(iterator, stop);
std::string result{};
auto strItr = data.cbegin();
size_t firstDigit = *strItr;
result += toHex(firstDigit >> 4);
result += toHex(firstDigit & 0x0F);
std::advance(strItr, 1);
std::for_each(strItr, data.cend(), [&result](size_t c) {
result += ":";
result += toHex(c >> 4);
result += toHex(c & 0x0F);
return result;
case keyword::Encoding::UD:
// UD, the UUID info, represented as
// 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
//<time_low>-<time_mid>-<time hi and version>
//-<clock_seq_hi_and_res clock_seq_low>-<48 bits node id>
auto stop = std::next(iterator, UUID_LEN_BYTES);
std::string data(iterator, stop);
std::string result{};
std::for_each(data.cbegin(), data.cend(), [&result](size_t c) {
result += toHex(c >> 4);
result += toHex(c & 0x0F);
result.insert(UUID_TIME_LOW_END, 1, '-');
result.insert(UUID_TIME_MID_END, 1, '-');
result.insert(UUID_TIME_HIGH_END, 1, '-');
result.insert(UUID_CLK_SEQ_END, 1, '-');
return result;
return {};
internal::KeywordMap Impl::readKeywords(Binary::const_iterator iterator)
internal::KeywordMap map{};
while (true)
// Note keyword name
std::string kw(iterator, iterator + lengths::KW_NAME);
if (LAST_KW == kw)
// We're done
// Check if the Keyword is '#kw'
char kwNameStart = *iterator;
// Jump past keyword name
std::advance(iterator, lengths::KW_NAME);
std::size_t length;
std::size_t lengthHighByte;
if (POUND_KW == kwNameStart)
// Note keyword data length
length = *iterator;
lengthHighByte = *(iterator + 1);
length |= (lengthHighByte << 8);
// Jump past 2Byte keyword length
std::advance(iterator, sizeof(PoundKwSize));
// Note keyword data length
length = *iterator;
// Jump past keyword length
std::advance(iterator, sizeof(KwSize));
// Pointing to keyword data now
#ifndef IPZ_PARSER
if (supportedKeywords.end() != supportedKeywords.find(kw))
// Keyword is of interest to us
std::string data = readKwData((supportedKeywords.find(kw))->second,
length, iterator);
map.emplace(std::move(kw), std::move(data));
// support all the Keywords
auto stop = std::next(iterator, length);
std::string kwdata(iterator, stop);
map.emplace(std::move(kw), std::move(kwdata));
// Jump past keyword data length
std::advance(iterator, length);
return map;
Store Impl::run()
// Check if the VHDR record is present
auto iterator = vpd.cbegin();
// Read the table of contents record
std::size_t ptLen = readTOC(iterator);
// Read the table of contents record, to get offsets
// to other records.
auto offsets = readPT(iterator, ptLen);
for (const auto& offset : offsets)
// Return a Store object, which has interfaces to
// access parsed VPD by record:keyword
return Store(std::move(out));
void Impl::checkVPDHeader()
// Check if the VHDR record is present and is valid
std::string Impl::readKwFromHw(const std::string& record,
const std::string& keyword)
// Check if the VHDR record is present
auto iterator = vpd.cbegin();
// Read the table of contents record
std::size_t ptLen = readTOC(iterator);
// Read the table of contents record, to get offsets
// to other records.
auto offsets = readPT(iterator, ptLen);
for (const auto& offset : offsets)
// Jump to record name
auto nameOffset = offset + sizeof(RecordId) + sizeof(RecordSize) +
// Skip past the RT keyword, which contains
// the record name.
lengths::KW_NAME + sizeof(KwSize);
// Get record name
auto iterator = vpd.cbegin();
std::advance(iterator, nameOffset);
std::string name(iterator, iterator + lengths::RECORD_NAME);
if (name != record)
const auto& itr = out.find(record);
if (itr != out.end())
const auto& kwValItr = (itr->second).find(keyword);
if (kwValItr != (itr->second).end())
return kwValItr->second;
return "";
return "";
} // namespace parser
} // namespace vpd
} // namespace openpower